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Increasing profitability
Optimising maintenance
Improving dependability

Optimising maintenance

The majority of organisations operate with a high degree of unplanned maintenance (also known as reactive, breakdown or corrective maintenance) causing loss of efficiency and high costs for operating equipment. This can lead to a large backlog of planned maintenance which tends to further increase stoppages. Breaking this cycle through the introduction of an effective planned maintenance regime will increase productivity, dependability and profits.

Designing maintenance

Identification of cost-effective and safety-effective maintenance strategies for new installations or modifications can be developed with an appropriate use of Reliability Centred Maintenance (RCM) analysis and evaluation of maintenance support resource requirements. Depending upon the application, these techniques can be used to review existing maintenance policies and strategies to reduce costs or improve effectiveness or develop a maintenance plan from a clean sheet.

A structured approach to maintenance programme development allows optimisation of:
  • Impact on production / service
  • Maintenance work load and costs
  • Spares holdings

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+44 (0)1332 676681 | +44 (0)7779 655732 | enquiries@tarantoconsultancy.com